Hostess With The Mostest!

Since I get asked this a ton - I decided to make our Hostess Rewards Program it's very own page!

Here's the scoop:

Tastefully Simple LOVES it's Hostess's and it is very clear to see with our Rewards Program<3

Sales Rewards:

Party Sales | FREE PRODUCT!
$200          | $20
$300          | $35
$400          | $50
$500          | $65
$600          | $80
$700          | $95
$800          | $110
$900          | $130
$1000        | $150
- - for every $100 after $1000; add $15.

and since every item in our catalog is under $10(exculding bundles, value packs and gift items)
 - with a minumum quaifling order of $200 you could get as many as 4 items for FREE! :)

Order Rewards:

 - - With every 15 individual orders you get to add $15 more to your FREE product amount!!

Booking Rewards:

- - With each guest of your party that books a show/catalog/blog party you get to choose any item
in the catalog for 1/2 off!!
- - The more parties booked off of your show = the more 1/2 off items for you! ( Up to 5 per show)


 - - These are special incentives that ONLY I offer! :)
 - - Book a Party Today and see what SURPRISES I have in store for you!

For more information please feel free to e-mail me at